Jumaat, 2 Disember 2011

mY l0vE st0rY..~__~

What others are
saying about
"Terry's Journey"...
"I admit that I do not get involved with many stories and only once have I ever looked forward to reading an author's next book. But Miss Bronte, I have to admit that over the last 2.5 years, I checked every month, 5 days, 4 days, 3 days, 2 days early for the next installment of your stories in hope that it came out a little early and so disappointed when it is only on time. I grew tired of researching, dissecting and evaluating writings for literary value and content. I have grown to love the feeling that you incorporate into your stories and Terry's Journey promises to move you further into a skill that is becoming so very honed. Thank you for you efforts. Thank you for your heart. Thank you for sharing your talent. I am sure you have heard this before but it holds true for me. You have a fan for as long as you care to write or I can see to read. God Bless you..." - Dwayne
"My whole world came to a full stop, when I opened up my email and saw that the 1st chapter of Terry's Journey was ready. I sat ready fighting the urge to scan down to the bottom of the page. Had me on pins and needle, LOVE IT!!!!" - Doris
"Dear Sarah Fall, I know you must've heard this many a times, but still I would like to say that I love your full-length novels. I have been enjoying your monthly written chapters for the past 3 years and I love it! My favourite novel till now is Abigail's Journey. Every month on the 15th, no matter how much of a tough study schedule I have, I would make time to sit on the computer and read another much anticipated chapter of your thrilling novels. I really appreciate your free novels and I really hope that you would stay by your word and continue to post free novels on this site. This is just a way to tell you that you and your works are duly liked and appreciated and you should continue doing so. =)" - A Reader

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